The Spanish procedural notions
The Spanish procedural system: general notions
The Spanish procedural system: general notions

The Spanish procedural system: general notions

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Edición: edition 2023

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PAPEL: 17 x 24 cm. | ELECTRÓNICO: Conexión a internet necesaria para acceder al eBook - Descarga no permitida

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This book includes a complete research about the general notions of the Spanish Procedural System. It is structured in fifteen chapters analyzing the relationship between Procedural Law and social peace, the definition, content and source of Procedural Law, and the diverse methods of conflict resolution: mediation, conciliation, arbitration and jurisdiction. Moreover, the basic concepts of the discipline are also reviewed, namely jurisdiction, action and process, and other fundamental institutions necessary to understand the functioning of the Spanish judicial system, such as the principles of proceedings, the organization of justice system of courts, the conflicts of jurisdiction and competence, the staff in the service of the Courts and Tribunals, the facts and the procedural acts, the legal costs, the right to free legal assistance, and the preparation of the process, without forgetting the voluntary jurisdiction proceedings.

Written by Procedural Law Professors at Spanish Universities and reviewed by professional philologists, this book affords an approach to the legal-practical world perfectly combining pedagogical and linguistic rigour.