Foundations of theory of ...dvertising
Foundations of theory of preventive consumer law in digital advertising
Foundations of theory of preventive consumer law in digital advertising

Foundations of theory of preventive consumer law in digital advertising


1.ª edición 2020

F. Publicación:


Biblioteca juridica de bolsillo










PAPEL: 13,5 x 21,5 cm. | ELECTRÓNICO: Conexión a internet necesaria para acceder el eBook - Descarga no permitida

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The book is an explanation respect to what the theory consists of (the theory of preventive consumer law in digital advertising), what the scope of the theory in digital advertising is and what is its importance.

It is worth clarifying that everything is focused on the collective construction of knowledge, so the reader with their own experience and own perception of life, will provide feedback on the premise that will be communicated (tailor-made to their way of being of the cases that will be attended).

The objective of this work is to communicate the structural elements of the theory of preventive consumer law in digital advertising to know and understand the way of making digital business advertising (in this work, the word business means the relation with a mercantile – commercial business) with legal validity, effectiveness and certainty.

The knowledge of the legal validity of digital business advertising is not clear. Many people have the illusion of comprehension or the illusion of knowledge of the legal validity of digital business advertising because they know about consumer protection matters, topics of applied law in (mercantile) commercial business, because they know equally the matters of personal data protection, etc., (actually, a general level), but they don’t know the form of reaching legal validity in the digital business advertising, because (actually) it is something that goes much further than (simple – properly: this particular) consumer protection or (simple – properly: this particular) protection of personal data.