Amnesty in Spain
Amnesty in Spain
Amnesty in Spain

Amnesty in Spain

Constitution and Rule of Law

(2) 5.00/5.00


1st. edition 2024

F. Publicación:












PAPEL: 17 x 24 cm. | ELECTRÓNICO: Conexión a internet necesaria para acceder al eBook - Descarga no permitida

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This book arose from the perplexity of its three promoters: hearing a significant number of proponents of amnesty (whether politicians, journalists, or jurists) claim that the majority of jurists were expressing support for its constitutionality and that the few who did not were presenting very weak arguments. As this was not the impression they held, they set out to compile opinions contrary to the constitutionality of amnesty. The result proved 
remarkable: over sixty highly respected authors contributed 78 critical texts concerning the amnesty arising from the PSOE-Junts pact. Readers are invited to assess the quality of the arguments presented and to pursue their enquiries regarding the number of jurists who have defended amnesty. To us, the balance seems clear in terms of both the sheer number of jurists and the strength of the arguments.

To address amnesty in the most comprehensive manner possible, the book is divided into five legal chapters and a sixth from broader perspectives:

  • An overview of the Rule of Law in Spain after the July 2023 elections.
  • The general unconstitutionality of amnesty.
  • The Spanish amnesty from the point of view of european law.
  • The parliamentary bill for an Organic Law on amnesty for institutional, political and social normalisation in Catalonia.
  • The harassment of judges.
  • Five outlooks beyond the law.